Concrete & River: On Poetry & the Reading/Writing Life
It's a place I go to think and write about poetry when the demands of life tend away from that kind of thinking and writing.
Producing this blog is a way for me to stay connected to poetic impulse, to poetic urgency, to the language of poetry's knowing. Which is, often, an expansive kind of not-knowing.
Offering it is a way to share poems that have sparked something for me that persists, and engage with poets who write those poems. It's my hope that it will kindle your own reading (and re-reading) and invite conversation about what you find there.
I don't often use the blog to promote my own work. There are links to my books and reviews if you are interested, and from time to time I will note upcoming readings and events in the sidebar. You can learn more about me and my work on my author page, Susan Gillis.
If you would like to order one of my books, you can do so directly from me by email (susan[at]susangillis[dot]ca) or from bookstores and the publishers.